Michael Sauers

February 26, 2024

There is a genius here. There is a genius there. There are geniuses everywhere. I disagree. There are intellectually gifted people. However, the vast majority tend to take a very narrow path; engineering, medicine, law, technology, philosophy, education, finance, government, etc. By many measures they are smart but collectively they have suffered from societal non-fulfillment. Yes, they have advanced ideas and theories in their fields. Yes, they have made gobs of money. Yes, they have collected and hoard possessions. Notwithstanding, they have not shown the desire or ability to raise critical mass thinking/understanding to address root problems.

Unfortunately, too few have shown leadership. To me, a true genius is someone who can see the big picture. They are empathetic as well as sympathetic to the condition of the world around them. They act to remedy the abysmal conditions under which billions of their fellow humans exist. (poverty) They aspire to eviscerate war as a means of progressing as it is the ultimate failure. They aspire to crush poverty with its many ramifications. They are multi-dimensional in a problem solving paradigm.

There is a relatively small cadre of individuals, corporations and governments who profit from the “world on fire” scenario. This is hard to believe for many people but it is true. War mongers exist. They promote instability. They promote aggressive foreign policies. They lobby incessantly for new or advanced weapons systems. They actively influence the sale of weapons to specific countries and the open market. They work their way into all administrations whether Republican or Democrat. They promulgate their views/positions through “think tanks” many of which are funded by the weapons industry. They due this under the guise of “in our national interests” or our “security interests”. They are driven by a lust for money, power and control.

This is what our true “genius” must eviscerate. They do not promote peace. They do not promote debate. They do not promote negotiation. When push comes to shove they are more than willing to let the poor and middle class do the fighting and dying.

The elephant in the room is the vast majority of Earth’s citizens. They are the sleeping bear that needs to be poked. For their children’s sake they need to speak up against the madness.

Lots more can be said about this. Do some research.

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