Michael Sauers

May 16, 2024

It is obvious that our world has many problems to solve. Many of these have global implications and repercussions. The Israeli-Palestinian conundrum is one of them. Israel has approximately 10 million people. The Palestinians number approximately 5 million. Combined they are less than 1% of the planet’s 8.1 billion inhabitants. However, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an intermittent powder keg that threatens the entire planet. The 24 hour, 7 days a week news cycle documents almost all aspects of the conflict. Even with attempts to keep the “Press” out of the conflict zones, eventually the story filters out. Bombings, property destruction, starvation, famine, hostages and death are reported. It is not pretty.

The origin of this conflict is controversial. There are claims and counter claims of land grabbing and international interference. A full throated debate on this is necessary but seldom heard on the world stage. At least, not heard in a manner that brings understanding, reconciliation and closure. Woven into the narrative is a religious element regarding a return to Zion by the Jewish people. In the 19th century a Zionist movement gained strength as did an Arab nationalist movement. Momentum for a return to the biblical “Land of Israel” began to take shape.

The Zionist movement gained strength through a collaboration with imperialist Great Britain. In 1948 the State of Israel was established resulting in conflict and the removal of nearly 1 million Palestinians. From then until today the Israeli-Palestinian question has been nothing but a a festering problem with global implications. There is a lot of finger pointing, rationalizing and posturing. Many people have died. The United Nations is involved. Lines have been drawn and sides have been taken. This is a dangerous situation.

At this point, the main issue is whether or not Israel has a right to exist with freedom and security. Of course, it does. This is also true for the Palestinian people. Some type of state, whether it is a two state or shared state must be established. Festering issues are the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the status of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, borders, security, water rights, freedom of movement, the right of return of Palestinian refugees, hostages and Hamas. All of these are in the negotiating mix.

The Israelis keep Palestinians on a short leash. They should know better. Who wants to live like that? Nobody! Jews have been persecuted for centuries. This culminated in the mass murder of Jews by Hitler. Human history is replete with mass murders, genocides. Think Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, CUP, Mao Tse-tung. Think Darfur, Rwanda, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Nanking, Namibia, Myanmar, Native Americans and many more. Much of the world is now accusing Israel of genocide.

The news media treats Americans like idiots. After all, they elected Donald Trump and may do so again. They start the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on October 7, 2023. That is nonsense for the feeble minded. They also perpetuate the myth that the Iranian-American conflict began in 1979. Nonsense! People must inform themselves about the history. The Hamas attack on October 7, 2023 was barbarous as were the Israeli attacks on Palestinian refugee camps on February 21, 1973 and again in Sabra and Shatila in 1982. The people of Iran had to endure the overthrow of their elected government by US and British led conspiracies and the subsequent rule of the murderous Shah of Iran. There is much more! Read!

One thing is for sure. The Iraeli-Palestinian conundrum must be solved before it widens and involves world super powers like China, Russia and the US. There is nothing to be gained by that. Do research! Read! Inform yourself!

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