Michael Sauers

May 27, 2024

Dear Editor,

I agree with the May 25, 2024 editorial entitled,”We Need Long-term Answers to Energy Needs”, but not through the use of “fracking”. The authors sound like oil and gas alarmists when they “cry wolf” as they bemoan the use of oil from the federal reserves. One would think the sky is falling. Nonsense! Oil reserves have been used many times.

The title is disingenuous. The application of conservation, efficiency, an upgraded grid, sun, wind, hydro, and geothermal are the only sane long-term energy strategies. Some others, such as bio-mass and hydrogen produced by green renewables, have some potential. Coal, oil and gas need to be stopped ASAP. I would add that “corporate welfare” for the fossil fuel industry must cease.

From beginning to end fracking is a dirty, polluting and expensive enterprise. To exist fracking received special treatment from local, state and federal laws and regulations. They are exempt from any “severance” tax that is common practice in other fracking states. Fracking requires enormous quantities of pure, fresh PA water which is immediately fouled with secret, proprietary chemical ingredients. Immediately upon fracking they produce two types of polluted waste water (shallow/deep). This waste water is polluted with fracking chemicals and naturally occurring earth elements. To add insult to injury, they also bring radioactive elements to the surface.

This waste water is injected into deep wells (for future generations), spread on roads for dust/winter road treatment or minimally treated and returned to PA surface waters. If these strategies weren’t so dangerously stupid, they might be comical.

Additionally, fracking emits methane gas, a huge contributor to global warming, at the wells and throughout its processing. Most closed wells (thousands) are still emitting methane. Fracking requires thousands of miles of pipelines. They rely on the controversial/heavy handed use of eminent domain to run pipelines through private property, historical sites, state parks, state forests, streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands. Naturally, they disturb and alter habitat and their associated wildlife populations.

Fracking creates health concerns, large truck traffic problems and community dissent. Fracking is the oil and gas industries version of the “keystone cops”.

Much more could be said but I’m out of words. 500 words is not enough.

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