Biden’s Debate Opponent Should Quit

by Jul 7, 2024Letters to the editor, Poletics

Written by John G. Shannon

June 7, 2024

Posted by Michael Sauers

Aside from perpetuating sensationalism, it makes absolutely no sense as to why the post-debate news and social media are almost exclusively reporting that President Joe Biden should drop out of the presidential race after his poor debate performance against former president Donald Trump on June 27.

In sharp contrast, the media is barely reporting that it is Trump, not Biden that should quit the race, given that–in true carnival-barker-like fashion–Trump repeatedly lied through his teeth throughout the entire 90 minutes. This disparity in media coverage is unfairly hurting Biden and helping Trump, who does not deserve the vote.

Biden is a presidentially competent, compassionate, highly experienced world leader—and decent man—who happened to have a bad debate night, due, in part to a variety of factors including his speech impediment, travel weariness, a cold and poor debate preparation by his semi-incompetent, out of touch close advisors and staffers.

But one should never judge negatively a presidential candidate’s character and his past accomplishments, present policies and future performance on the basis of one “verbal diarrhea” night.

On the other side of the so called “debate” stage was an elderly, immoral, womanizing, narcissistic, military denigrating, Putin loving, treasonous, pathologically lying, convicted criminal and psychopath who is despised by most allies and enemies.

He is also known for limitless scamming and corruption, political retribution and duping the American people with his endless fake news and fake political victimizing. Furthermore, he is undermining the rule of law, taking away many of our freedoms, eviscerating our Constitution and destroying our democracy.

Sadly, his many lemming like MAGA supporters have and are continuing to be duped and drink his Jonestown massacre like cool aid.

Regardless of Biden’s disappointing one night debate performance, the post debate news and social media are picking on the wrong man to quit the race! Instead, the media should all be ashamed of themselves for dwelling so long on Biden’s negatives, which pale in comparison to Trump’s 10 times as bad negatives.

It is Trump not Biden who should drop out of the presidential race since Trump’s highly flawed character, repeated criminal actions and dictator like plans should scare all voting Americans and disqualify him for the presidency.

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