Written and Published by Michael Sauers

August 5, 2024

Given the billions of animals killed by automobiles, I support incorporating into new highways and retrofitting existing highways with wildlife tunnels and bridges.

Given the soaring health crises that are attached to ill informed habits/choices including sedentary life styles, smoking, alcohol and eating mostly terrible diets, I support an aggressive public education program to promote active life styles, non-smoking/alcohol and plant based diets. Similar to the “No Smoking” Campaign.

Given that semi-automatic and automatic long guns (AR-15’s and their ilk) are weapons of war, blow huge holes in their victims and sometimes require DNA to identify victims (Uvalde children) , I support a total ban. All other guns can be kept so that citizens can keep the government/law enforcement from attacking them, criminals out of their houses, cars, land etc.

Given the ample evidence (low voting rate, non attendance at public meetings, low rate of post high school education (according to Pew, approximately 25% of adults have a Bachelor’s Degree), drug/alcohol use, etc.) that most citizens are incapable of actively functioning in a participatory democracy, I support emergency measures to fully fund public education. That means small class size (15), more knowledgeable and discerning teachers, modern curricula, proof of knowledge testing, and potential driven outcomes for all students. No public funding for religious/private schools. State and federal assistance would be required for this; build fewer WMD.

Given the fact that billions of sentient and non sentient animals are routinely bred, used, fattened, slaughtered (male chicks are immediately killed by maceration) and then eaten by humans and that there is an apparent and overwhelming indifference to this suffering, I support/propose an immediate, publicly funded campaign to educate people regarding speciesism and its effects on mental/physical health, land use, water use, energy use, economics, etc. The total disregard of this suffering is difficult to understand. Take a trip to a slaughter house, hatchery, feedlot, rendering plant or milking plant. Leave the kids at home!

Given the fact that consumptive wildlife practices including hunting, trapping, and fishing are declining and that the proponents of said practices are actively trolling for new participants, I support banning the recruiting of children (up to 16 years of age) to partake in these blood sports. Children’s mental, emotional and psychological development are not fully established to contemplate/comprehend the consequences of killing sentient animals.

Given that “tackle” football is being reconsidered/re-evaluated by parents, schools, coaches and players around the issue of serious injuries (broken bones, concussions) and death, I support banning tackle football and replacing it with flag football. It is a macho, violent activity with little or no redeeming value.

Given that “corporate welfare”, (local, county, state, and federal levels), takes over a trillion dollars plus a year out of taxpayers pockets, I propose ending it. Corporations are already making record profits. They can fund themselves. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT BECAUSE THIS MONEY COULD FUND MANY MAJORITARIAN SUPPORTED ISSUES. COUPLE THIS WITH CLOSING TAX LOOPHOLES AND REQUIRING ALL CORPORATIONS PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES AND YOU START TO TALK ABOUT SERIOUS MONEY!

Given the total transparency of big money, dark money, unnamed donors/pacs and the total manipulation of the process by an exclusionary two party system and a complicit press, I support public funding of elections, a series of required substantiative debates, a much shorter election period (6 months to a year), allowing third party candidates onto the ballot, and consideration of rank choice voting.

Given the well documented gutting and lack of funding for local, state and federal regulatory agencies, I support the total reversal of the aforementioned. Agencies must be fully staffed and funded in order to carry out their regulatory duties. These agencies exist to enforce and protect. Republicans, some democrats and many corporations cry like babies about regulations. They don’t want any or very few. Most regulations exist because people/workers were injured/killed on the job, highways, finances, schools, etc. Remember child labor?! Remember no seat belts?! Keep thinking!

Deniers, continue covering your eyes and ears. Keep your heads in the sand. Look the other way. It doesn’t matter because you are a distinct minority and you have lost the battle. Top notch climate scientists/institutions are pretty clear about climate change. IT IS HAPPENING! While there may be some cyclical, global factors, it is pure folly to exclude the human contribution. Industrial development/pollution and the sheer number of consumptive humans (about 10 billion) are impacting the land, air and water of planet Earth. Just look around and you can easily spot the consequences of ignoring this problem. We could promote a woman’s right to self determination which would include family planning. We could move at warp speed to utilize renewable energy. We could adopt a planet/human friendly plant based diet. We could do a hundred different things but will they be enough? I hope so!

Given the responses of horror and incredulity, I think there is a great deal of hypocrisy regarding the eating of cats and dogs in Ohio, specifically and other countries, generally. We have artificially promoted cats and dogs to pet status but they are no different than pigs, chickens, lambs, ducks, sheep, calves and cows. All are sentient creatures. I don’t see why humans can’t make the very narrow leap in closing this vicious circle.

Given that the internet loves to show vivid footage of carnivores capturing and eating their prey alive, it is safe to assume that their is an audience for such gore. I would like to remind the spectators that, unless they are Vegan, they are in the same boat with the predators. The only difference is that humans pay someone else to do the killing.

More to come!

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