Michael Sauers

October 12, 2024

As we know, corporations and the powerful get a slap on the wrist while everyone else gets handcuffs. A good example is the lack of justice for the Boeing victims. Boeing CEO, Davey Calhoun got a bonus. No one from Boeing has gone to jail. Hundreds died. For added measure, the revolving corporate/think tank/government revolving door is well oiled. Do some research on Lisa Monaco, Blinken and many others.

Meanwhile, Congress gives Netanyahu 52 standing ovations even though the Gaza death count is several hundred thousand and counting. Both Hakeem Jeffries (a major recipient of AIPAC money) and Jamie Raskin sat and looked on. It sure looks like Netanyahu and his cabinet want to wipe out the Palestinians and perhaps some folks in Lebanon and Syria. Support for Israel has dropped precipitously around the world. The United States is the major supplier of WMD for Israel. This could cost Harris the election.

For added flavor, consider that the US Supreme Court has granted broad immunity to Presidents, including Trump. Consider that presidential debates are no longer sponsored by the League of Women voters nor the Commission on Presidential Debates. Instead, they are sponsored by corporate television networks. Consider that over the course of the careers of twenty black caucus congressional members, AIPAC has given them approximately 11 million dollars.

Consider that 309 members of Congress have a net worth of 1million dollars or more. 375 members are worth a half million dollars or more. Do you think that these folks can relate to the vast majority of Americans? Federal minimum wage is 7.25/hour!!!!!

Consider that Congressional committees act like powerless weaklings. Where are the committee hearings and investigations regarding big money dominance of elections, taxing corporations and the super rich, anti-monopolies, corporate welfare, medicare for all, climate crisis, ensuring medical care for all, justice in the courts and cracking down on corporate crime??????

Consider that the United States is the major producer/manufacturer of weapons. It is a multi-billion, if not trillions of dollars enterprise. We are warmongering! It is a massive business! The Defense budget is a monster that is eating our lunch. Why don’t we have class size of 15 in all of our schools? Why is there no federal priority on attracting and subsidizing discerning and knowledgeable educators/teachers, K-12? Politicians spew bullshit. It simply is not a priority. Why would it be? Who wants an educated, critical thinking citizenry! Think about it. You should be upset.

You can drink the kool-aid about the two party, anti democratic system but it is clearly a manipulated tool of the very small ruling elite. Don’t blame third party people! They, for the most part, have tried to address the two party debacle. It is failing us and our posterity. So, Vote! Then get involved.

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