Michael Sauers

October 15, 2024

The all-knowing, loving God that we were brainwashed to believe in is a mirage, a figment of our imaginations. Belief in God requires a huge leap of faith. My leap of faith sees a God that is compassionate, kind and vegan. Look at history and our present day world. What all-powerful God would create and sanction this pit of destruction? Perhaps the vengeful, cruel, smoting God of the Bible but that God does not merit my leap of faith.

The savagery of nature is horrible to watch. Yes, the creatures are magnificent but that is canceled, except for herbivores, by their capture and consumption of other live creatures. They have no emotional or intellectual connection or compassion with/for their screaming and writhing victims.

Humans are different you say. Perhaps but only in that the slaughter is hidden from most eyes. It still exists. Free will run amuck.

9.6 billion farm birds are slaughtered annually in the United States (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.). The USDA, itself a huge killing machine, has exempted these birds from minimal protections under the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. The USDA has also neglected to promote humane handling regulations under the Poultry Products Inspection Act. The USDA is heavily influenced by large corporate interests in agriculture, ranching, meat, airlines and others. One of the USDA’s departments is the low-life and low-profile Wildlife Services. At the request of private interests and with taxpayer dollars they routinely slaughter coyotes, wolves, foxes, beavers, starlings, crows geese, bears, wild boars, etc.

USDA records show that more than 1/2 million chickens are boiled alive. They are handled roughly resulting in broken legs/wings when they are moved to the slaughter line. Others arrive frozen to their cages, some are run over by machinery and some thrown alive into trash bins.

The same or similar conditions/facts apply to cows, pigs, goats, sheep and horses. All toll, tens of billions of sentient creatures are slaughtered.

Humane slaughter is a misnomer. It is an ozymoron. It is unnecessary. For decades a plant based diet has been shown to be significantly more benign compared to a meat based diet. This is true for water use, pollution issues, human health, medical expenses, etc. God should have told us this by now. Don’t you think? It’s possible that God took a look at his/her creation and skedaddkled.

Consider the above when you are thinking about the upcoming holiday meals and parties. Maybe it’s time to face the scientific research, nurture some compassion, put on your big boy and big girl pants and go Vegan. Celebrate happy, vegan holidays!

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