July 12, 2023

Michael Sauers

Why do we support an economic system that produces enormous amounts of waste from beginning to end?

Why do we support an economic system that pollutes air, water and soil?

Why do we support an economic system that pits people against people, region against region, state against state and country against country ?

Why do we support an economic system that does not pay a living wage, pits workers against workers and does not strive for full employment?

Why do we support an economic system that destroys/pollutes wildlife habitat?

Why do we support an economic system that accumulates wealth in the very top percentage of people?

Why do we support an economic system that is speciesist and subjects billions of other creatures to short, cruel lives for the benefit of their flesh, skins, eggs, feathers, etc.?

Why do we support an economic system that experiments on and tests products on other creatures?

Why do we support an economic system that is controlled by a relatively small group of people?

Why do we support an economic system that contributes to endangerment and extinction?

Why do we support an economic system that does not value the importance of women?

Why do we support an economic system that places the bulk of the costs on consumers and taxpayers?

I could go on but I think I have made the point. We are pawns in a system that is cruel and unsustainable. We are trapped in a dynamic that leaves us very little voice and choice. We have a contortionist form of capitalism. I don’t support taxpayer funded capitalism which comes in many forms. (grants, low or no interest loans, tax deferments, subsidies, loan guarantees, etc.) Corporate welfare is truly a Medusa of capitalism.

True capitalism dictates that a profit be made. A profit that is as big as possible. There are a few variables that contribute to profit. First, your product/service must be in demand in a competitive marketplace. Getting rid of competition through mergers, buy outs, pricing, government regulations, corporate welfare etc. is standard business practice. True capitalists must be aware or they will perish. Manipulation of the marketplace by the above (and more) is rampant.

Second, true capitalism compensates labor as little as possible. This is a sticky subject because it involves unions, living wages/benefits, workers supporting families, offshoring jobs, AI, robotics, computers, pitting communities/regions/states against each other, etc. The recent parking of 100’s of cargo ships off our ports clearly illustrated the number of family supporting jobs that were sent to China, Taiwan, Vietnam, India, etc. Multi-national companies do not exist to be patriotic. They do exist for profit. True capitalists should show some minimalist gratitude toward their countries of origin, markets, labor and government support that helped build them. Governments should not allow multi-national companies to offshore businesses to increase profit at the expense of labor/taxpayers/environment. There should be a price to pay for offshoring production that affects working families. There should be a price to pay for mistreating labor. There should be a price to pay for skirting regulations. There should be a price to pay for polluting. Capitalists know better but they are driving the bus.

Third, true capitalism seeks to minimize/eliminate environmental/worker safety regulations. If I had a penny for every capitalist who cries about regulations I would be rich. Basically, they do not want any regulations. They would be more than happy to foul the air, water and soil. They would be happy to expose workers to unsafe hours/conditions. Nonsense, you say. That is what happens via offshoring. The rules protecting workers and the environment in China, India, Mexico, Vietnam, etc are minimal compared to the U.S.. Let’s face it, most regulations exist because of business abuses of labor/environment. Remember child labor? Remember the Cuyahoge River burning? Business argues that they will self-regulate. Good luck with that. Profit always wins out. Again, there should be a price to pay for unfair labor and environmental practices. Yes, an appropriately placed, stiff tariff to level the playing field is both patriotic and business savvy.

Now, I’m not speaking without some knowledge. I have started/built two businesses. Both made a profit. No government help was asked for or taken. Workers were treated fairly. Granted, these businesses were small but the same principles applied.

Most business models are linear. They extract, produce and sell. There is pollution all along the line. Once a product is sold most businesses wash their hands of the product. Additionally, many products are one-time use. The pollution and waste from extraction to production to marketing to trash is mind numbing. Incineration and landfilling are the primary and cheapest means of handling waste. Question!!!! Why would we burn or bury any reuseable resources? Recycling helps but it is minimal. The costs of the above are borne by consumers/taxpayers. This is a bonanza for business since they do not need to worry about post consumer disposal. Is there a better way? YES!!!!!!

Business needs systemic sustainability. Business needs a circular model that is consumer/taxpayer/environment friendly. As is appropriate and practical, business must transition to use sustainable feedstock whether it is virgin or recycled. Business must drastically reduce packaging, especially those derived from fossil fuels. Business must produce products that are easily recycled or composted. Business must take ownership of products from beginning to end. Consumers/taxpayers should support this transition and reject the outdated linear model.

For example, we need to rid ourselves of fossil fuel based plastics. Just as fossil fuel energy must be replaced by wind, solar, hydro, geo-thermal, bio-mass, nuclear fusion, etc., so do fossil fuel derived plastics. It is truly a scourge. Do some research. Fossil fuels used for energy and plastics are polluting from beginning to end. The fact that they still exist is testament to the power of that industry. That must be changed. How???? you may ask?

Well, sad to say but money talks while everything else walks. Governments and politicians are controlled by enormous sums of money from large corporations. Government policy can be changed but it will need prodding. It will take prodding from the 800 pound gorilla in the room. Who is that? That is us, the lowly consumer/taxpayer. A motivated consumer/taxpayer movement can change things quickly. Look at the Bud-light boycott. Nobody wants to lose money. We, consumer/taxpayers must demand change. There are viable solutions to our problems. Start by making lifestyle changes. Again, do some research. Begin by watching “Blue Planet II”

Let me end by mentioning the Encina proposal in Northumberland County, PA.. When you push aside the propaganda you can see that this is a desperation move by the fracking and plastics industries. The fossil fuel plastics industry needs to keep producing as does the fracking industry. They are losers and they know it but they cling to attempts to keep their highly subsidized industries alive.

Let your spending power talk for you. The world at large and the world of your family are depending on you. As always, do more research. Make it an issue!

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