Michael Sauers


The oil and gas industries are wildly profitable as are the vast majority of national and international corporations. Look it up. It’s easy to research. Banking, insurance, pharmaceutical, automobile, medical, agriculture, weapons manufacturing, etc. are all doing very well.

They are dedicated capitalists. They are experts at keeping costs down whether it is labor, materials, transportation, regulations, etc. They eliminate competition. They convince a hapless public that their products/services are necessary. Growing markets are necessary. Product shrinkage is helpful. They are not concerned with world overpopulation.

They are the recipients of billions, perhaps trillions of dollars in “corporate welfare”. Much of their profits go to stock buybacks, mergers and acquisitions that benefit stakeholders. There is enormous subsidizing of corporate profits by taxpayers.

This is a vicious enterprise. Presidents, including Joe Biden, have tried to cut into or stop this. The votes are not there. Most Republicans and some Democrats vote to continue this “corporate welfare” nightmare. Why? It seems obvious.

Most people could care less about this orgy of greed except for its evident results. The vast majority of citizens, national or worldwide, are being shortchanged. The world is on fire. War, starvation, a lack of medicine, housing, clothing, educational opportunities, reproductive rights, etc plague the planet. There is money except not for human decency.

Necessity dictates that civilization/leaders guarantee basic human rights and opportunities for a meaningful life. Starving and brutalized people will exact a heavy toll. At some point there will be no place to hide.

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