Michael Sauers

April 14, 2024

Just a few thoughts regarding Earth Day.

First, start with yourself. How light or heavy is your footprint? Examine your lifestyle and decide if you can improve your impact on the planet. Second, check out your family, house and neighborhood. Help where you can. Next, what about your community? Again help where you can.

Starting with your home, make things greener. A few healthy houseplants, a nature friendly backyard with vegetable and flower beds can go a long way. Visit and contribute to all local, county, regional, state and national green areas. These must be protected and enhanced. Please take the children!

Support non consumptive activities such as hiking, biking, bird watching, wildlife photography, etc. Endorse the concept of wildlife corridors over and under highways. Promote the use of non chemical controls for unwanted growth and invasive species. If possible, volunteer at parks for various activities such as hiking guide, maintenance and surveys.

I would encourage you to explore being a vegan, an environmental shopper and an advocate for the natural world. Read! Read some more! Keep on educating yourself. Ignorance is the cause of many of our problems. Vote!

Finally, support public schools and libraries. If we truly love our children, all children, we will dramatically reduce class sizes and hire many more knowledgeable and discerning teachers. Many of the problems we are currently experiencing are because people can’t read/comprehend or don’t read/comprehend. Independent, critical thinking citizens should be our goal. Start with the children. Happy Earth Day!

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