August 9, 2023

Mike Sauers

As far back as the 1960’s, fossil fuel industries knew that coal, oil and gas were harmful to life on the planet. Yet, they persisted. Through money, lobbying, legislation and corporate welfare they have managed to control the “energy equation” on the planet. They are responsible for inundating the planet with fossil fuel pollution and fossil fuel derived plastics. They are the seven hundred pound gorilla in the room. However, there is an eight hundred pound gorilla knocking on the door, CONSUMERS. They fear consumers because, in their world, everything is about money and consumers drive that bus. As a group and as individuals consumers are HUGE!

So, acknowledge your spending power and begin influencing.

I’m going to begin with a short list of suggestions. I will periodically add to this list. We can make a difference.

1. Reject plastic straws. This is easy and makes a start. Tell the business why. Excellent!

2. Take cloth bags to all markets. This is easy. Tell the business why. You should be feeling empowered.

3. Use sheet laundry detergent. It works and comes in a recyclable cardboard box. Goodbye to all the big No. 2 plastic jugs. This is HUGE!

4. Make a conscious effort to reject over packaged goods especially fruits and vegetables. No packaging is best. Politely tell store management why.

5. Buy products packaged in glass, aluminum, tin/steel, cardboard, and cloth. These are easily recycled.

6. Buy products that are already packaged in recycled materials. The inside of the box should be gray. Cereals, cake mixes, etc.

7. Reduce your garbage imprint thereby cutting down on plastic garbage bags. Buy recyclable products, start a household composting project, don’t purchase over packaged products, don’t purchase once and done products, purchase paper garbage bags (yes, they exist),

8. Become an environmental shopper/consumer. Apply all of the above plus more. Put your thinking cap on. Involve your family, especially your children.

9. Talk to your neighbors at church, community meetings, in the grocery store, at the soccer field, etc.

10. Start doing some research. Rome wasn’t built in a day but start educating yourself, family and friends.

11. Switch your electric power source to solar/wind/hydro/biomass/geothermal, etc. They are out there. Do a little research.

12. Ditch bottled water. Research a tap filter. Source water as near as possible to where you live. Communicate with your water company about your water quality or lack thereof.

13. If you drive a fossil fuel car, go the speed limit to burn less fuel. Do some research and consider an electric car.

14. Get a bike. Use it around town.

15. Walk! So many benefits for you, family and planet.

16. Support local organic farmers. Join/support a CSA.

17. Transition to a plant based diet, preferably organic and vegan. The consequences in terms of land use, water use, energy use, health, economics, sentient being treatment etc. are HUGE!

18. Diplomatically begin talking to your school system about their meal programs (breakfast/lunch). Start with the enormous amounts of food that are thrown out.

19. Begin to think about contacting all the folks who manufacture the products we purchase. Write/call/email/text/visit. They need to hear from CONSUMERS!

20. Begin to research/study/ employ BOYCOTTS. They are an effective consumer tool.

21. Google the markets where you shop. For me that is Giant, Wegmans, Weis, Walmart and Aldi’s. Find and click on customer service. Find feedback and send polite but firm message about plastic packaging/containers and how you are changing your shopping habits. Ask them to contact their suppliers. Repeat 2 or 3 times a year.

22. Google National Grocers Association. Do something similar to No. 21. Be polite but firm. Repeat 2 or 3 times a year.

23. Google National Association of Manufacturers. Scroll to and click on GET INVOLVED. Scroll to contact the NAM. Do something similar to 22. Be polite but firm. Repeat 2 or 3 times a year.


24. Don’t give up on plasticity. Research non fossil fuel plasticity. There are many entrepreneurs working on this. Be careful! You’re looking for sustainability, organic feedstock, easily compostable, always biodegradable, and earth/children friendly. Do without if possible. Always do your research. That is what our educational system is for.

25. Consider growing some of your own food. Start small. Get a feel for it. Take it from there.

More to come. Stay tuned to this post.

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