Michael Sauers

March 6, 2024

There is very little I can think of that is as inefficient and ineffective as the Pennsylvania Legislature. They work very few days and pay themselves nice salaries with great benefits. They move at a snail’s pace and are great at kicking the can down the road. It is painful to watch.

For many years (decades) they have put off adequately funding the public education system in the Commonwealth. After years of legal wrangling, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania ruled that the State’s funding formula was unconstitutional. They directed the State Legislature to remedy the problem. Two years after the court ruling the State Legislature came up with a plan to partially fix the problem. It will take seven years. Unacceptable! Outrageous! Inept! Deficient! DUH!!!!!!!

As always the issue is money not education. The Legislature spends money like drunken sailors. Obviously education has not and is not a priority. They have failed for decades. They have shortchanged students for decades. It is disgraceful. I have pointed out to several state legislators, including retired State Senator John Gordner, the cash cow that is “corporate welfare”. The left, Penn Future, and right, Commonwealth Foundation document billions of taxpayer dollars that go to entities already very profitable. Corporate welfare comes in many forms. It is a true Gordian Knot that has developed over decades. Call Sherlock Holmes. While it is not the total answer it is a good start.

Meanwhile, students continue to be cheated. While Governor Shapiro and the Legislature trip over each other regarding economic development plans, they sandbag a key part of the equation, an educated citizenry.

One can only look on in disbelief.

Reduce class size K-12. Hire more knowledgeable and discerning teachers.

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