Michael Sauers

March 8, 2024

Josh Shapiro got a pass on the previous gubernatorial race. He had no opposition in the primary and faced a weak Republican, Doug Mastriano, in the general. He somehow convinced the environmental community that he could be trusted. He won.

Since the election that trust has been severely eroded. Statewide environmental organizations/coalitions have lost faith. They see him as being very cozy with the fossil fuel industry. They say that he has refused to meet and have substantive talks with grassroots environmental organizations. They are very disappointed and plan to confront the Governor as many times and ways as possible. This will include the ballot box.

I have been active in politics, community organizing, education, business, economic development and the environment for 60 years. My father was a skilled politician and I paid attention to his expertise.

In my mind Josh Shapiro has never hid his raw political ambition. His language always pointed to the next step in his political career. He has always been running for President. Along the way he gave token recognition to environmental issues and only when they furthered his ambitions.

Before the last gubernatorial election, candidate Shapiro came to Bloomsburg for a rally. He gave an impassioned, animated speech about many issues but not one word about any environmental issue. I confronted him on this obvious omission. He briefly became flustered, blurted out an excuse and moved on. At that moment I realized he was as weak as water. He may as well have been a Republican speaking to the Chamber of Commerce. I do not trust him.

By the time the next election rolls around the “Emperor Will Have New Clothes”, the curtain will be pulled back on the “Wizard of Oz” and “Little Red Riding Hood” will see the wolf. There will be opposition in the primary and general. The word will go forth across the nation regarding Mr. Shapiro.

On Tuesday, March 19th the PA Action On Climate (PAC) is planning to confront Mr. Shapiro. Will he be in Harrisburg? Will he speak with PAC? Will he send a surrogate? I’m not holding my breath. Only time will tell.

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