Written by Gerard Hoefling

June 13, 2023

I am writing in response to a recent Letter to the Editor in which the author expressed disdain for those who might compare former President Donald Trump with Adolph Hitler and instead argued a more accurate comparison would be between Theodore Roosevelt and Donald Trump. Once I was able to regain my composure, I thought it would be fitting to follow the advise of that writer and share some comparisons between the two past Presidents. Some of the “similarities” between the two include, but are not limited to, the following:

Elected at age 42, Theodore Roosevelt is the youngest of U.S. Presidents to date. Donald Trump is not even close.

Theodore Roosevelt is a winner of the Noble Peace Prize. Donald Trump is not.

Theodore Roosevelt is a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Donald Trump never served.

At age 58, Theodore Roosevelt volunteered for service in World War I. Donald Trump evaded service during the Vietnam War.

Theodore Roosevelt’s pilot son Quintin was shot down and killed during World War I. Donald Trump’s children never served in any capacity.

Theodore Roosevelt sought to protect and preserve the natural wonders of the United States and created the National Park Service. Donald Trump and his administration sought deregulatory policies established to protect our nation’s air and water and address climate change. (Brookings Institute, 2020) Donald Trump also advanced bills to open formerly protected public land and parks to fossil fuel exploitation.

Theodore Roosevelt advanced the “Square Deal” envisioned in part as a tool to reign in corporate abuses and foster peaceful coexistence between big business and labor unions. Donald Trump has systematically sought to weaken labor unions by initiating efforts such as but not limited to: stacking the National Labor Relations Board with union busting corporate lawyers, denying working people their right to organize through a fair process, restricting union representatives’ ability to advocate for their members, and removing protections for rank and file workers to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Theodore Roosevelt helped lead the successful completion of the Panama Canal. Donald Trump bankrupted casinos, “built” a fraudulent college, and as President repeatedly failed to develop a much needed infrastructure bill. Though to be fair, Donald Trump did build a promised border wall……right?

Theodore Roosevelt was instrumental in developing the United States Navy and building the reputation of the United States as a world power. Donald Trump is an isolationist, who impugned our military dead, denigrated military command, idolized autocrats, and undermined our allies.

Theodore Roosevelt was highly intelligent, scholarly, spoke multiple languages, and authored dozens of books and for his day was a progressive champion. Donald Trump does not share such abilities and qualities.

The differences between these two men are stark, and meaningful, and too plentiful to enumerate in a letter to the editor. It should be noted, however, that in terms of the highest qualities of character arguably desirable in a President of the United States, those manifested by Theodore Roosevelt through his life are notably absent in Donald Trump.

I will leave the comparison of Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler to another day or writer.

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