Trump Is a Menace

by Jun 1, 2024Justice, Poletics

Michael Sauers

June 1, 2024

Let me begin by saying that I have been disillusioned by the Democrat Party since Clinton. From Clinton on the Party has become very corporate and right of center. They simply refused or were incapable of giving full throated voice to scores of majoritarian supported issues/policies. Health care for all, ceasing corporate welfare, helping families with children, auditing/controlling defense spending, curtailing the production of weapons of mass destruction, participating in never ending wars, abandoning the Palestinian people, funding education, curtailing jobs to overseas manufacturers, collecting taxes from ALL, enforcing workplace, health and environmental regulations, prosecuting corporate criminals, etc, etc, etc. In my mind they failed.

So it should come as no surprise that I find Joe Biden to be “no day at the beach”. The two party system has us locked into Biden or Trump and maybe Kennedy. At this point I’m going to vote for Biden even though I have many issues with him. The alternative is Trump and he is appalling.

Trump was born into wealth. He has never really worked. From the beginning he has played and abused the system to his advantage. His claim to fame was the Trump brand which he parlayed into resorts, casinos, golf courses, real estate and TV. Obnoxious but relatively harmless. That is until he entered politics and began to denigrate the government and people of the United States.

He changed the Presidency. Perspective and decorum in all respects were gone. Impeachments and January 6th riots are tattooed in our minds. Stormy Daniels, removed documents, demanding votes be found in Georgia and refusing to accept his 2020 loss became his post presidency calling cards.

He is quite ridiculous. Everyone is liar. The entire election was rigged. He was cheated and denied the Presidency. Great. If you tried hard you could tune him out. However, his behavior following his conviction on 34 counts put me over the line. Now he is a felon. He claims the trial was rigged and orchestrated by Biden. The judge is corrupt and conflicted as is the district attorney who brought the charges. The witnesses are corrupt liars. He calls into question the entire legal system and barks that we are a fascist country. We are a banana republic. His lackeys, including my Congressman, Dan Muesser, have dutifully fallen into line. YIKES!

To me that is over the line. He is undermining the faith and confidence people have in their institutions. It is treasonous and inexcusable. He is purposely trying to subvert the United States. He will be a dictator on day one and he claims there will be a bloodbath if he loses. He should be called out for his treachery. I will be voting NO on Trump!

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