June 20, 2023

Mike Sauers

Often we hear about the geniuses who inhabit the planet. Friends, associates, and strangers tell us about their progeny and how well they are doing in school. Sooner or later these geniuses begin mixing with other geniuses. This happens all throughout the educational journey up to and including post doctoral endeavors. Geniuses with a host of qualifiers make it into our top universities. Subsequently, they work in the top tiers of government, law, business, finance, medicine, education, military, etc. This is very impressive. However, one must ask, with all these geniuses in charge, why is humanity running around with its hair on fire?

One may argue that they are overwhelmed by the non-geniuses. Read Cipolla’s,The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity. Think about the Bell Curve. Maybe?? The non-geniuses are systematically fooled, tricked, misled, abused, cheated, lied to and manipulated. They do most of the borrowing (life long debt), laboring and, in times of conflict, the fighting and dying. I think you get the picture. Wealthy, well placed geniuses run the show and the rest pay the price. The Ukraine is a perfect example.

Most people like to believe that very smart people, yes geniuses, are in charge at the United States Departments of State, Defense, Treasury, Interior, Labor, etc. They have similar beliefs about the Administration and Judicial branches of government. Most of these people come from our highly touted Universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc. They are top notch scholars coming from top notch institutions of learning. Why, with all this perceived intelligence and years of education, are we failing so badly?

I have a thought. It is based on the ying/yang disposition of introverts/extroverts in our ruling genius communities. Underlying all the academic nonsense is the fact that extroverts are insecure alpha tail waggers. They are loud, pushy and prone to brawn not brain. Extroverts need the limelight and they have ruined civil society. They are most likely to lead you into violence. Introverts tend to be thoughtful, sensitive and empathetic. They tend to carefully think situations through and weigh the consequences realizing that they affect everyone. This type of foot dragging is seen as weakness. Extroverts are everywhere. They know no geographical, race, ethnic, etc. boundaries. They are a brutish, cruel form of sapien DNA. A vocal minority that is/has steered civilization over a cliff. Look around at who is glorified. They create anxiety and shut down creativity. WOW!

Of course, the above is a generalization but as generalizations go it is intriguing. I am an introvert. I have been fending off extroverts my entire life. I can spot one a mile away. These alpha types inhabit the think tanks, banks, finance, and policy institutions and corporations that control the United States government (taxpayer money). They are well placed in all government agencies including the White House. It does not matter who is President! They are funded by the largest corporations, most especially weapons manufacturers. They lobby incessantly in the House and Senate. They steamroll introverts.

Now, back to Ukraine. Starting with the Clinton Administration the U.S. started encouraging former USSR countries to join NATO and the European Market. From 1990 to the present more and more eastern European countries have joined NATO. Eventually, NATO was knocking on Russia’s door via Ukraine. Naturally, Russia called foul. They have long memories of the tens of millions killed by Germany and its allies during WWII. They believe that the U.S. has lied to them regarding NATO expansion.

Liken this to Russians in Cuba. Kennedy called them out and rightfully so. Remember the Monroe Doctrine? They do not want a NATO country the likes of Ukraine on their western border, especially if they also intend to join the European Market. The 33 year encroachment towards Russia was largely orchestrated by an aggressive U.S. foreign policy led by alpha tail waggers. One of their goals may very well be regime change in Russia. Goodbye Putin! They certainly greased the wheels for weapons production.

Not so fast. Putin is not stupid. He is a brutal, aggressive dictator with a sizable military and nuclear weapons. He moved quickly and the result is what we have today. Thousands of people are dead on both sides. Cities have been destroyed. Nuclear power plants are threatened. The Russians are threatening the use of nuclear weapons. Recovery, if and when that occurs, will take a long time and billions of dollars. The U.S. and European weapons manufacturing industries have had an enormous windfall. The institutions that bankroll this war are doing very well. We, the taxpayers, will pay the bill.

Now, back to the geniuses. There should have been a negotiated halt before the assaults began. Why didn’t that happen? We, the U.S., should have sent a crack squad of introvert geniuses, negotiators, and peace keepers in. Ukraine should have agreed to negotiations. Beggars cannot be choosers and in this case they are beggars. We should have stymied Putin at the negotiating table. Yes, a settlement will take time but isn’t that better than the current death and destruction? Yes, a settlement will have give and take but isn’t that better than losing blood and treasure? We did not fully assert our diplomatic prowess. Who is benefitting from this war? Only the financial backers and the weapons industry are benefitting. We can only hope that this does not expand into a broader conflict. The continued supplying of Ukraine with sophisticated weapons could push Russia over the line. They threaten the use of nuclear weapons. That is a scenario we should all be horrified by. There are also hawkish voices calling for Americans to enter the fray. Despicable!!!!

More and more people are pushing for negotiations. They realize that war is a mind numbing exercise in futility. There are no winners. Certain groups in our civilization will grab more power and make a lot of money at the expense of the majority of people. That would be us.

Of course this is only my opinion and there is always more to say. Research it. Make it an issue.

PS The recent meeting of NATO countries in Vilnius is a perfect example of aggressive foreign policy. Ukraine entering NATO without Russian concurrence is a recipe for disaster. The meeting assured the use of American made cluster bombs, other sophisticated weaponry, and money. I did not hear one word about negotiating with Russia. The weapons industry is happy. Financiers of the war are happy.

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