Written by Rodney Holt

Posted by Mike Sauers

June 2, 2024

I consider myself an old man. I was born in the 50’s, became aware in the 60’s and now, in the 2020’s, I’m asking myself what did I miss. I don’t understand!

“The Methodists will not replace us”! “The Methodists will not replace us”! “The Methodists will not replace us”! What the hell does that mean? Really, someone is worried about a particular religion replacing them. Who are the us, Presbyterians, Catholics, Lutherans, Jews or Baptists? I’m confused!

Born a very fortunate white heterosexual male, I could make a poor argument that women, gays, blacks, browns and immigrants want to replace me. Although I think it’s fair to say they only want the same opportunities I already have, not replace me.

But now I’m being told a religious group wants to replace me. Why? I don’t care what someone’s religion is. I don’t know my coworkers’ religion nor do I care. I don’t know my neighbors’ religion nor do I care.

I didn’t care that John F. Kennedy was a Catholic, Mitt Romney was a Mormon or Joe Lieberman was a Jew when they were running for President.

Whoops, I’m sorry, I said I’m an old man. I forgot, that torch carrying group at Charlottesville, where there were some good people, said, “Jews will not replace us”. What did I miss? Since when, and who says Jews want to replace us? And, as I asked, who is us? I still don’t understand!

Again, I’m still confused. I don’t know the religion of my new golf buddy, nor do I care. I don’t know the religion of my 7 year old grandson’s new best friend, nor do I care.

I don’t understand and I’m confused, even mystified, that some religious groups are worse than others?

If you were looking for a bad guy, a bad religious group, wouldn’t Catholics rise to the top after being vilified by their recent priest/pedophile history?

Where has the antisemitism come from? Would it surprise me if I had a party and some of my invited friends and guests were Moslems, Jews or Methodists? No there just my friends!

Who and why is someone trying to pit us against each other? That, to me, is the big question!

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