Mike Sauers

August 24, 2022

I have thought about this post for a considerable time. My concern is that we understand the meaning and importance of “woke” as it is currently used. In the movie, A Few Good Men, we hear Lt. Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise) demand an answer from Col. Nathan R. Jessep (Jack Nicholson) regarding truth. In a famous/infamous response Col. Jessep admonishes Lt. Kaffee by answering ,”The Truth, you can’t handle the truth”. We have all heard the biblical expression, “The truth shall set you free”. My determination is that being “woke” is an ongoing educational process that ends with death. It is simply the seeking, understanding and empowerment of the truth. In order to lead a full, vital and meaningful life individuals need to be as “woke” as possible. For their own lives to be relevant they need to reconcile internally and externally their grasp of the truth. They are required to understand and examine their level of “wokeness” against the level of “wokeness” of others. The truth can be an evolving and elusive target but, for a meaningful progression, it must be pursued. There is a considerable array of entities trying to influence one’s search for the truth. That is acceptable because all entities have a right to speak up. The problem occurs when their goal is to control. That is when education, formal or otherwise, becomes supremely important.

The word “woke” often appears in the public education arena. Here, I believe, the goal must be to educate students on how to seek the truth. Of course, this rests on developing, mastering and utilizing literacy skills. As basic as this sounds, students need to be able to read a variety of beliefs, comprehend the differences and similarities, write and verbalize. Testing truths relies on full throated discussion and debate. This testing demands that all sides of an issue be addressed no matter how distasteful. The goal is to nurture critical thinkers who reach some relevant level of agreement or consensus that allows them to progress. Remember, truth seeking only ends with death. Educators, parents, politicians, etc. who seek to limit the depth and comprehensiveness of topics are not doing students any favors. Limiting growth is never a desired outcome in education. Obviously, the community, which includes parents, must be part of the critical thinking process. Parental involvement has a role but it does not look to control. Only students control what they learn. The above should be one of the major thrusts of public education. Anything else is a disservice and disrespectful of all.

Why is this important? Our very survival depends on it. Part of the above critical thinking paradigm is a comprehensive review regarding the history of “sapiens”. That’s right, a good, long look in the mirror. My current belief is that sapiens have risen from near obscurity to be a dominant force on Earth. We have excelled in all fields. Modernity is upon us. Unfortunately, the road from obscurity to dominance is strewn with some very ugly “truths” that we rationalize, minimize and marginalize at our own peril. No one can deny our successes within a broad range of endeavors. Unfortunately, in the process we have committed untold genocides, we have wiped out thousands of animal and plant species, we engage in war, we participate in a WMD race, we treat wealth and income inequality as acceptable, we overpopulate at the expense of all, we used slavery, indentured servitude and child labor to prosper, we have/still decimate natural habitats and we pollute. I could go on but the point is made.

Some people believe that a forensic review, study, discussion, debate and attempt at consensus is inappropriate. They fear that their minds might be awakened to truths that they were heretofore not cognizant of or viewed as left/center/right propaganda. They fear that their children will be brainwashed. I disagree. They take Washington Irving’s, “Rip Van Winkle” character to heart. The only difference is that these people are sleep walking through a maze of limited information. Parents, schools and communities must/should be broadly educated and eager to share the wealth of knowledge that exists for exploration. Everything must be on the table. Anything else is a failure.

My suggestion is to think/read/talk outside your area of comfort. Read authors who both agree and disagree with your beliefs. Taking age/grade level appropriateness into consideration, encourage others in your circle to do the same. I would suggest reading the Bible, Sapiens, The 1619 Project, The U.S. of War or whatever is inside/outside your comfort zone.

Hopefully, I have planted a seed. I believe that we should search for the truth not hide from it. The truth will bring about justice. With justice there is hope for peace. Dig into this. Make it an issue.

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