Michael Sauers

February 22, 2023

I have recently been advised that God’s first language is silence. This I find comforting since I am by nature very quiet and often indicted for it. As I tried to teach my students, being an engaged listener is half of the effective communication equation. Talking loud and long does not constitute “getting your message out.” Often it does the exact opposite.

So, now we find ourselves in a world of dramatic disparity and conflict. Our constant nemeses; overpopulation and poverty with their attendant conditions (lack of housing, food, water, medicine, education, self determination and opportunity) remain constant. They are now increasingly exacerbated by war.

Consider wars for resources including water, land, rare minerals, oil, fisheries, space, control and power. Are sapiens naturally cooperative or competitive? The debate goes on but it is quite obvious that we have strong violent and aggressive tendencies. Intellect has tried to keep those at bay via philosophy, religion, and government. It is a struggle that only self-discipline and education can remedy. Unfortunately, most of the world is not educated. Billions of people are in various stages of disparity and conflict.

Even where education systems exist they are grossly underfunded. Wealthy and connected people have far better access to schools with resources. From pre-K to post graduate level these schools seek to produce leaders in all fields. The evidence suggests that this has been an utter failure. The gene pool of so called geniuses is far too shallow. We would be far better off if everyone received a top notch education. I’m not holding my breath.

Whoever created us took a long look and skedaddled. Do some research. Listen well and speak up.

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