Micheal Sauers

February 29, 2024

As we crawl out of the Winter doldrums, we can be grateful for the explosion of nature that fills our world. Many folks will speak up in delight at the spotting of a robin or a crocus or a butterfly. We feel a connection to the beauty and danger that presents itself. It takes a lifetime of study to understand the languages of nature.

Nature delights us. It is a dance of survival. Colors, fragrances, tastes, sounds and kinetics burst upon the scene. While they delight us, they also teach us. We are remiss if we fail to pay attention.

Nature is as violent as it is beautiful. Creatures eat and are eaten by other creatures. This is a grand plan concocted by a cruel and sadistic master. Humans are certainly part of the equation. We raise, capture, kill and eat almost everything. Our saving grace is that we usually kill and fire cook our prey before eating it. Many creatures are simply eaten alive by their predators. This is both horrifying and educational.

Everything gets eaten. From the microscopic to the macroscopic. No animal or plant group is immune. It is a bloody orgy.

I am a vegan but still I must eat. I consume combinations of fruits, seeds, grains, legumes, pastas, mushrooms, seaweed and vegetables. I drink water, fruit and vegetable juices. I find this to be the least harmful and most nutritious diet.

Given the awe and adulation we ascribe to our creator, I have often thought that we could have been developed using a more benign sustenance plan. Perhaps a combination of air and water or an infusion of minerals and gases or an endless recycling of nano-energy or ???????. I don’t know but perhaps something a bit less murderous.

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