Michael Sauers
July 7, 2024
Hello. Experiment with this recipe. It is healthy and delicious!
Put two tablespoons (or more) of olive oil into a medium saucepan. Throw in a half dozen chopped scallions, a fore finger length of sliced ginger with skin and a generous amount of garlic (to your taste). Saute on low/medium heat for 10 minutes.
Put in a half rectangle of cubed tempeh and allow it to cook with above ingredients (2 or 3 minutes). Add a cup and a half of shiitaki mushrooms and stir it into the above for 2 to 4 minutes. Add a generous amount of your favorite dark leafy greens (spinach, collards, kale, bok choy, chard, etc.). Stir/cook for a few minutes or until greens are soft. While doing this add a squirt or two of Braggs’ aminos, flax oil, salt & pepper and finally a small handful of pumpkin seeds. Stir and heat another 2-3 minutes.
Enjoy! Experiment!
This dish is dedicated to James Bart McGeehan.